Dr. Charlie Seltzer’s Blog
Read our blog to see what our weight loss specialist and physician have to say about health and nutrition.
The Ultimate Guide to At-Home Workouts During Quarantine (6 Workouts You Can Do Today)
COVID-19 lockdown restrictions have made normal life feel like a thing of the distant past. Many people’s routines have been derailed, causing them to neglect their exercise routines. With gyms closed, switching to an at-home workout routine is the only option.
Should you weigh yourself on vacation?
To weigh yourself on vacation, or not to weigh yourself on vacation, that is the question. Get my thoughts here: How Using a Scale May Help You Avoid Weight Gain During Vacation published in Healthline.
Stephen Fulton Jr., Best Kept Secret
Wishing Stephen Coolboysteph Fulton Jr @coolboysteph all the luck as he faces Paulus Ambunda for the IBO super-bantamweight championship tonight.
Summer is coming...
Summer is almost upon us, and with it, the slew of magazines chock full of pre-summer workouts and diets promising the “perfect beach body in 6 weeks or less” are everywhere I look. Per usual the models used to tout these diets etc. are ALREADY perfectly lean, tanned and muscled.
Happy New Year
Well, it’s almost 2019. On the brink of a brand new year, I want to share an experience I’ve been dealing with for the majority of 2018.
A Doctor's Expert Guide to Bodybuilding Without Steroids
Can you compete in bodybuilding, or get jacked/swole/ripped without steroids? The answer is an unequivocal yes. Check out my recent comments regarding anabolic steroid use in Muscle & Fitness magazine.
Biltong Guide: What is It, Biltong vs. Jerky & More!
Biltong is a form of dried, cured meat that originated in Africa. It is similar to beef jerky and is very high in protein and low in calories.
FitExpo Philadelphia 2018 - April 28th and 29th
The Dr. Seltzer Team and I are really excited to be part of the 2018 FitExpo Philadelphia hosted at the Pennsylvania Convention Center this Saturday and Sunday, April 28th and 29th.
Will Lifting Weights Make Me Bulky? Women’s Weightlifting Myths Debunked
Are you a woman who knows about the many benefits of weight training but is afraid that she will get too bulky or muscular? If so, you are not alone.
When is Your Last Meal of the Day?
I frequently emphasize personal experimentation in regard to when, and how, we consume our food. We often hear it is best to consume our last meal of the day at least two hours before we lay in bed. This may work excellently for some… but not for all, and probably not for most.
Is a calorie a calorie?
Is a calorie from an apple the same as a calorie from potato chip? While most people intuitively know that an apple is “healthier” (It has vitamins, fiber and bulk to help keep you full), when it comes strictly to weight loss, the answer is hotly debated.
Is Breakfast the Most Important Meal?
From television commercials advertising large bowls of morning cereal, to food-pyramid nutrition taught in elementary schools, America is rooted in the idea that breakfast is the most important meal of the day.
Anything Is Possible With The Right Plan and Attitude
I have never posted a lifting video, but I have put my own self-consciousness aside to demonstrate what is possible with the right attitude and a good plan.
The Best Equipment if You Want to Workout at Home
I want to do my exercise at home. What do I need?
Client Tawny Clark on the cover of PhillyFit Magazine
I am so happy for Tawny. She looks incredible, and more importantly, she feels incredible!