Botox Services

Botox Treatments

Botox offers a variety of benefits that will help you feel your very best

Discover the multitude of benefits that Botox can bring, helping you look and feel your absolute best. Our experienced injector, Kelsey, is dedicated to providing our clients with an array of options for skin rejuvenation and wrinkle relaxation. With her expertise, Kelsey utilizes Jeuveau, an innovative injectable wrinkle relaxer specifically designed to soften and reduce wrinkles and lines. Whether it's smoothing out dynamic wrinkles caused by facial expressions or addressing stubborn lines between the eyebrows, Botox offers a versatile solution for a more youthful appearance. Experience the transformative benefits of Botox and step into a newfound sense of confidence and beauty.

Some Key Benefits of Botox

Reduce signs of Aging

Botox can help remove fine lines and reduce signs of aging.

Boosts Confidence

When you look good you feel good! Botox treatments can help achieve the look you’re working towards!

Reducing Migraines - Botox Service

Reduces Migraines

Did you know botox has been known to help reduce chronic migraines?

“I have been getting Botox for years and went to Brittany for the first-time last month ago. I am so glad I did. She was amazing (both technically and personally). Before we did anything, Brittany and I discussed treating my deep forehead wrinkles, my "number 11s" and my crows feet. She was easy to talk to, offered suggestions for optimal results and made me feel comfortable the whole time. She was methodical and efficient, and I was finished in no time. An added bonus that I was not expecting was that I was able to get a hydration IV AT THE SAME TIME. Efficiency is key. I walked out of the office feeling great and love the results.”

— Beth S.

Common Questions about Botox

  • Botox is a minimally invasive treatment used to relax muscles associated with frowning or smiling that cause wrinkles.

  • The injection block certain chemical signals from nerves that cause muscles to contract. It will relax the facial muscles that cause wrinkles in the forehead and around the eyes.

  • The procedure takes 20 minutes. It is series of tiny injections are made in the effected area to relax the muscles. The needles are very small and thin so pain is minimal.

  • BOTOX is an injection consisting of a specific formulation of botulinum toxin (BTX) known as onabotulinumtoxinA. Dysport uses a different formulation of BTX than BOTOX.

    Dysport uses abobotulinumtoxinA. It still consists of the same basic neuromodulator that temporarily blocks neurological signals to the muscle or muscles in which it’s injected

    Jeuveau is an injection that uses botulinum toxin type A. Jeuveau is only approved for cosmetic applications, including the treatment of wrinkles and frown lines.

  • Dynamic wrinkles result from repeated facial expressions and movements, such as laughing, frowning, and smiling, which, over several decades, cause the facial muscles to become taut. This tension creates grooved lines on the skin that may be visible even when the face is at rest.

  • Jeuveau was specifically developed to address one of the most common dynamic wrinkles: the vertical line between the eyebrows. This formula temporarily blocks signals to the treated muscle, resulting in a smooth line and natural-looking results that do not make the face appear frozen.

  • -The treatment process is quick (usually taking only 20 minutes!).

    -There is no downtime following the procedure.

    -Results typically last 3-4 months.

    -It helps prevent future wrinkles and fine lines.

    -Personalized treatment options are available.

  • -Schedule follow-up appointments every 3-4 months.

    -Avoid vigorously scrubbing your face for 24 hours after your injection.

    -Refrain from having laser treatments that heat the skin for three days following injections.

    -Use sunscreen regularly to protect your skin.

  • There's a common misconception regarding Botox cessation - that discontinuing Botox injections leads to the resurgence of wrinkles in a stronger and more severe manner. However, this isn't accurate. Whether you've had one or numerous treatments, ceasing Botox injections will eventually result in the reappearance of fine lines, wrinkles, and other imperfections. While regular Botox treatments can delay these effects, stopping them will cause these imperfections to resurface. The duration may vary, especially if you've had Botox for an extended period, as repeated treatments weaken facial muscles. Fortunately, discontinuation of Botox simply means gradual return of fine lines and wrinkles.

  • Botox is approved for individuals aged 18 and above. The decision to undergo Botox injections varies from person to person, as everyone ages differently. Consequently, there isn't an optimal age to begin getting Botox treatments. The concept of "preventive" Botox is gaining popularity, with individuals in their twenties increasingly opting for Botox to thwart the formation of lines and wrinkles. It's important to consider two types of wrinkles: dynamic and static. Dynamic wrinkles are noticeable when muscles contract, such as the forehead's horizontal lines during a surprised expression. Botox can prevent these from becoming static wrinkles, which are visible even at rest. Once wrinkles become static, they're more challenging to treat with Botox. This distinction should be weighed when determining the ideal timing for Botox treatment.

Botox Treatments