Dr. Seltzer in the News
As a weight loss and fitness expert, Dr. Charlie Seltzer has appeared on Fox News, ABC News, NBC Health Watch, National Geographic’s Taboo and has been featured in Cosmopolitan Magazine, Popsugar, Prevention, Readers Digest and Livestrong.com. He is currently a contributing writer at builtlean.com and was awarded BeWellPhilly’s Best Weight Loss Advice Award.
How Using a Scale May Help You Avoid Weight Gain During Vacation
Researchers from the University of Georgia reveal that people who weigh themselves daily during times when they may be more likely to indulge — the holidays and vacations, for example — will more successfully maintain their weight or even lose some compared to people who don’t dare step on the scales.
Keto Diet vs. Vegan Diet: Is One Better for Weight Loss?
You don’t have to spend much time on social media before you’re likely to see a post about weight loss. It may be someone promoting their newest weight loss goal. Another might lament that their diet is too restrictive for them to splurge on their favorite snack.