Dr. Charlie Seltzer

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Strength Training for Beginners: An Expert Guide

I used to weigh 240 pounds and in my earlier 20’s I had back pain so bad that I couldn’t even walk. Since then, in large part due to weighting training, I’ve been able to control my back pain, keep my weight down, and I actually won an overall body competition in 2012 as the O.C.B. Middle Eastern Seaboard States Men’s open natural body building championship.

Since then, I’ve been an advocate for weighting training because it has so many positive benefits and I’ve trained other people who also competed and won natural bodybuilding competitions. There five fundamental lifts that you have to learn: the squat, the bench press, the deadlift, the overhead press and the row. A squat is basically squatting down and moving back up again, you can do it with a barbell, you can use a dumbbell, you can start with your own body weight. The bench press, everyone

A squat is basically squatting down and moving back up again, you can do it with a barbell, you can use a dumbbell, you can start with your own body weight. The bench press, everyone

The bench press, everyone seen the bench press, you’re laying down and pushing the weight off your chest. The deadlift is lifting in its

The deadlift is lifting in its most simplest form, you pick something up off the ground and put it down.

The shoulder press, is simple like it sounds, you’re using your shoulders to press a weight over your head.

A row is a weight training movement, where you’re using your back muscles to pull a weight from a position where your arm is extended to a position where you’re arm is contradicted behind your body.